Mick Jagger as a leadership inspiration


Do you move like Jagger?

Last week I attended a Rolling Stones concert at Hyde Park. Why am I posting about it and what does this have to do with leadership? Well, hear me out…

Mick Jagger — or Sir Jagger as we call him here in England 👑 , studied business at the LSE. In the 70’s he got rid of the band’s manager and took over. He has been the business manager of Rolling Stones ever since, as well as the creative director, frontman, etc etc… When they asked him if he thinks he does a good job as a manager, he said “Well, everyone in the band is very rich”.

Contrary to popular beliefs (or popular “quotes” shared on social media), you CAN micro-manage the hell out of everything, “get no satisfaction”, do your own thing and be super successful with value that lasts in time.

I see so many people in leadership roles trying to find shortcuts and beaten paths to success. In the meantime, they lose their authenticity and block their out-of-the-box thinking. But I think that as long as you have the talent and the skills, you can make your own leadership rules. Not everyone will be happy about it but when did people approve of Rock Stars anyways? 😉There is a reason why we’ve named the company GrowthRocks 🤘It is so refreshing for me to work with m̶a̶r̶k̶e̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ Rock Stars with whom, at the end of the day, and to quote another famous artist, we can all say “I did it my way”.

Fact is, there is no right or wrong but similarly to what Mick Jagger answered, “the truth is always in the numbers” 😎

PS: They kicked a** at their concert in Hyde Park last week.

